President's Welcome Message
I am truly excited about the future for the Sarasota NAACP Branch. I am humbled for the opportunity to lead the Sarasota Branch of the oldest civil rights organization in the country —the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) — with the mission to secure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights in order to eliminate race-based discrimination and ensure the health and well-being of all persons.
The Sarasota County NAACP has been on the frontline since 1952 and over the past 70 plus-years, our organization has been a vital component of the Advancement of Colored People. From the beach caravans and wade-ins in 1955 to integrate Sarasota beaches. To the 1985 federal lawsuit challenging the voting process in the City of Sarasota elections, which lead to the first African American elected official. Today, we
continue to play a pivotal role in ensuring that political, educational, social, and economic equality is available to all citizens.
As your branch President, I, along with our Executive Committee, will continue the steadfast work to meet this mission in Sarasota County. We invite you to join our team by becoming a member!
Please join our next General Membership meeting, which meets every third Thursday of the month at the Betty J. Johnson North County Library at 6:30 p.m.
Ready to Serve,
Trevor D. Harvey
President, Sarasota Branch NAACP
Our Vision
We envision an inclusive community rooted in liberation where all persons can exercise
their civil and human rights without discrimination.
Our Mission
Our mission is to achieve equity, political rights, and social inclusion by advancing policies and practices that expand human and civil rights, eliminate discrimination, and accelerate the well-being, education, and economic security of Black people and all persons of color.
Branch’s Statement of Purpose
What We Do . . .
The Sarasota County Branch NAACP strives to be a resource to the community at large. While the organization’s membership is primarily African American, we continue to work very closely with ALL segments of the community to fulfill our mission.
Our activities include but are not limited to:
Collaborating with local grassroot and community-based organizations on various issues in the area of job discrimination, minority recruitment, retention and promotion in the workplace; police actions, social security, affordable housing, economic empowerment, the criminal justice system, public education and public health care.
Working with the federal, state, county and local law enforcement agencies to help establish better relationships within the minority communities throughout Sarasota
Youth programs and adult leadership and education activities
Political debates, legislative reviews, legal seminars and community forums
Events that promote cultural diversity and cross cultural understanding and communication
Educating the community about African American culture.
Investigating ALL complaints of racial discrimination and injustice.
Encouraging local businesses to increase minority hiring in support of the NAACP’s mission while also establishing diversity training programs in the workplace.